Monday, June 30, 2014

End Of Year Bridge Ceremony. Goodbye. Hello.

Well, good gracious.  It's been an amazing, action packed, life-giving, growin'-up, real-world, root thirsty kinda year :-).

The first year I homeschooled both kiddos and wow does it take a village.  A great village. A God Village. A weird village.  A village I never thought I'd want to seek out, let alone use as my life-line.

Schooling two kiddos on purpose was quite different than schooling one kiddo.  Grant is very gifted so, it was easier in that I just took him along for the ride, adjusting his materials/activities as was needed.  Ginger excelled in urban planning.  She loves that.  I think that's awesome!

I am overwhelmed with the thought of chronicling the year's achievements, setbacks, victories, sweet moments and summation - but I know I must.  That reflection is often a glimpse of wisdom that will be needed in the future.

For now, however, enjoy this video of our end of year ceremony.  I am amazed at how excited the kids are, when it's just the two of them and me :-). It is important to me to have a rite of passage.  Though our education, per se, is fluid, I want my kiddos to be formally acknowledged for what they've accomplished.

I need that too - I realized how much I needed to have an offical "last day" when, after this ceremony, I didn't do laundry or clean anything for two weeks (except the occasional shower).

I needed to dumb down.
Chill out.
Get behind in everything.
Let go.

Click below:

Coding: New Literacy Litmus Test. Are your kids ready?

Click this:  Coding for our kiddos - brave new literacy -