Monday, February 6, 2017

It's.... so.... brain... damage... is...

So, raising kids with intention.  It's exhausting.

An example of this exhausting, brain damaging exercise happened this morning.  I am using a website to prepare my daughter for the testing that is required for her.  I do not approach test-prep from a topical, line-by-line cram point of view.  I approach it from a problem solving, pattern seeking, deductive reasoning, relaxation focus.  Tests in life and in any formal setting can trigger emotions - some of them help us to solve problems an focus, some hinder our problem solving skills and focus.  So, I wanted to create a situation in which all of those emotions (helpful and hindering) showed up for my kids in practice so that they can manage them when it happens for real.
So, my 10 year old daughter starts with some questions that are often on a cognitive ability assessment.  The harder the questions became, the angrier she would become.  Not anger at herself - anger at the TEST.  It must be wrong.  The test must be wrong, the computer must be broken, etc.
Cut to - an AWESOME conversation about character and how we can see "wrong" answers as good news - they are just the next breadcrumb that teaches us about the correct answer. 

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