Monday, February 6, 2017

Gobbsmacked Education-Curiosity, Wonder & Discovery

Gobsmacked Education; a

Crescendo of Curiosity
moving from the right answers into good questions.  A homeschool journey of the hippest kind.

The unlikely journey of a NYC Corporate Career-woman turned homeschool mom.

I was in New York City working for a major production company in sales.

Summary of growing up in blended home & satisfaction with public school & husband's satisfaction with private school.
NOT afraid
Faith-filled in a BIG God
I wanted the best when I got pregnant and the best was definitely someone else teaching and me filling in the gaps.

Meeting clients
Ginger asking
Meeting more HS-ers out and about
1st grade.
Social nightmare
"Colorado" teachers
Grant preschool
Talks with Harvard - yes, Harvard.
Thus the birth of Anderson Academy

1st year.  Patience not required
How to live with an extended family who sucked at raising you but thinks you are crazy for homeschooling
How to survive a HS conference w/o a headcovering or a gaggle of kids.
  prep but not all in - exit strategy was not to paint anything or let either of us have a desk.
Every minute structured.
So exciting.  So fun.  So, right.
Social/Structural detox - withdrawl symptoms - the struggle is real, but it's not what you think.
Hurling yourself onto a country road with no cell service in a foreign country where no one speaks
Stages of Culture Shock
    - honeymoon
     - frustration
    - adjustment
     - acceptance
     - homesickness

      I know you.  I know me - better.
     Tracking hours
     Pajama school
     Field Trips
     Be a kid
     Not raised by their peers
     Hybrid school - public school/private school/experiences
Looking for my people.
The first year is about having a pulse at the end and following every curriculum plan to a T and seeing the other things you wish you could have fit in but didn't have time and wondering if you are failing in every way.  
We are still alive!  Others watch as if observing a train wreck.

Year 2 with 2
Buy a desk - use the shelves.
How to build a curriculum with 2 kiddos
Spelling:  really?
Integrating subjects becoming clearer
Curriculum of character
More naps
Field trips
More ballet - Nutcracker
Be willing to look weird
I want to be cool
Finding your people in a collection of islands
Strange encounters of the homeschool kind
Margin for peace when things get hard. Really, really hard.
Confirmation of why you followed curiosity.
Not raised by their peers.
Still looking for my people/learning from all
How to address longing for "school"/romanticism
Where to take your kids to get rid of them for a little while
I think we're going to make it!

Year 3:
Classical method - where have you been all my life?  Falling in lust with socratic circles
Unearthing my own curiosity - hope reborn.
The goal has shifted - right question, not right answer
Revealing Wonder... a heart comes alive!
More ballet, soccer, concussions, broken limbs, volunteering
Efficiency gives a wide berth for play, discovery learning.
Finding your people...  No bungee jumping required.
   much different getting to know other moms in FRONT of all of your kids.
   Resolving conflict with no bus stop gossipfest - how to grow up in 10 days or less
Yes, you still wonder if you are failing
Standardized tests - which one?
Homeschool Brain: You might not be as on-time and on-it as you once were.
   `More field trips
   `More naps
    `more pajamas
    `More room for hard and miracles and hormones (yours and theirs)
    `You found your people
    `They found you.
    `Your vocabulary begins to change.
    `You ask a lot of questions
    `You like talking to your kids
     `You notice that you aren't raising clock watchers.
      `there is room for serving
     `wonder about the bigger picture sparks
     `integration of all subjects begins
        - reflections of math in music, art in science, writing in history and the soul in all of it
 I definitely think we might make it!

Year 4:
The magic happens
No longer straddling the fence
Conversations of the old way fade away
Gratitude sets in for curiosity, discovery and humility
Wisdom seems to be more available
Peace with the failing and the falling and the feeling
More room for hormones
Academic rigor with a sense of humor
Math still makes everyone scream sometimes
Yes, still answering the socialization questions
People still worry about you
Travelling off-season
Grades - How does that work?
Intentional living resonates in your bones
As they get older
two steps forward... 3 steps back....5 steps forward
what is regular school?
talking to adults is normal

Year 5:
Time warp... slipping away...
Missing them when they're asleep
Transitioning to hybrid school
Can you work now?  Do something?  Filling your cup
Friends are critical - supportive diversity
Spreading yourself too thin - with so many fun options - how do you choose?
I think I like this too much - they aren't your dolls
Middle School training wheels - skinned knees & bad grades
MIT in 6th grade
Still answering the socialization questions
No fear
Independence - turning arrogance to wisdom, folly to self-sufficiency
Start getting a life
Going too fast... did I say that already?

You can do this...
Living curious
Live in the question
Pregnant with wonder
Don't blink
Labor of love
Love in the unknown

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