Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Using FB as ablog....

I realize Ive been using Facebook as my blog instead of my blog so, I'm going to work on changing that.
I wanted to link my FB post from yesterday.

After said post, we all went on a gorgeous bike ride that ended with all of us dressed in gauze & ingesting ibuprofen ;).

Rigorous curriculum

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Anderson Academy Hits All Time High Enrollment!

Ok, so, it's only been 6 months since my last post.   I have a quiet morning where I'm awake early enough to do a blog post, my Bible study and text a friend because, why just have a quiet morning? 

 So, I've been asked, "How is Hauteschooling(I'm going to trademark this so don't run out and do it first, k?) going? "  quite a bit lately so, I figured I'd post.  I have no idea how it's going :-).
I figure I'll be able to evaluate that in 20 years and if my kiddos aren't in prison and they are making the world a better place than how they found it, SUCCESS!  If they land in prison, they'll be safer behind bars, because they'll have to answer to ME when they get out, for all of this crazytown time and energy I spent constructing this homeschool life thing that I never thought I would do.  I could have been working this hard for CREDENTIALS for cryin' out loud! or MONEY!  You get the idea.  It's a spiritual road we're on as well, (Ask me.  You'll believe it.  Or, at least you'll let me believe it) so, all is not lost for sure. 

To sum up and wander all over the place... here goes (sorry Kate - grammar may suffer pains):

We had a wonderful summer that was peppered with some very tragic life events.  Our community lost a dear friend in the neighborhood and he and his family are always close to my heart and mind and in our prayers.  Also, a dear, dear friend has been re-diagnosed with breast cancer and she and her family are daily in our hearts and thoughts as well.

The kids enjoyed swim team, piano and gymnastics.  I did NOTHING for school except for Kumon.  Well, ok, so that isn't nothing, it is Kumon.  It's every day.   However, it felt like nothing compared to the rigor that we were used to.  It was wonderful, and we seemed to occupy our time with things that were fun and summer-ish.

In May, I scheduled a teacher appreciation getaway with a fellow hauteschooler.  She and I just got away to Vail for 24 hours, yet it felt like a decade.  We saved our pennies and had NO SCHEDULE.  Our travelocity just fell in synch (a God thing- ask me - you'll believe it - or, at least you'll let me believe it) and we just happened upon a spa, a restaurant, slept in till 10.  Got to breakfast by 11am.  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh.

It was so emotional watching Grant go through his ADORABLE preschool graduation at Cherry Hills Christian School.  Wow.  He had been there for three years.  More than 1/2 his life.  That is amazing.  The teachers there, Ms. Erin, Ms Sandy, Ms Brueker, Ms. Connor - all transformational in his development and love.  Now, he's in my (God's) hands - yikes.

The kids were enrolled in theater camp after swim team ended, for three weeks, with a big production at the end.  I was BLOWN AWAY!  It was through Rocky Mountain Theater Camp for Kids and I have never seen anything more put together (and yet w/o caddy competitiveness) in my life.  The director seemed to know a LOT about herding cats AND teaching a professional level of production with 5-8 year olds.  We are DEFINITELY doing that again next summer.

We then went to a family camp in August at Trail West in Buena Vista.  Another Anderson tradition begun.  What an incredibly fulfilling week.  Spiritually.  Emotionally.  Physically.  I had no idea what I packed, and it didn't matter.  We were just happy as pigs and could do as much or as little as we wanted.  So great to just be the 4 of us with a bunch of strangers enjoying the outdoors.  Kids so distracted by running in the trees they'd wet their pants.  Now, isn't that a great testimony to a good time?

The school year was fast approaching and I switched to a Classical Education Curriculum (insert minor panic attacks).  I had the kids go through academic assessments and both were on target, if not ahead of grade level.  Grant continues to prove cognitively gifted (99.9%) and Ginger incredibly so at reading comprehension and problem solving/relationship assessment.

So, time to revamp the classroom.  I am fully committed.  Last year, Ginger was using a file cabinet as a desk and we didn't change a thing about what used to be Ryan's office.  In early August, I got a wild hair and, after finding old paint in the garage, the dark 70's wood-paneled built-in bookshelves were painted white and my Dad's antique desk was relocated to the family room.  I resolved to navigate IKEA successfully (more major panic attack) for supplies and purchased clearance desks from Crate and Barrel.  I removed the dark plush rug and replaced it with a white shag and big floor pillows.  My desk is a beautiful glass top on top of a white base and our swivel chairs are black and white.  Very modern, bright - LOVE IT!  I even made a sign with the Anderson Academy crest to make it official.

2 months in, working our tails off.  I am struggling a bit (constantly tweaking), because of our schedule.  I am in three different studies for my own enrichment and theirs (believe me, you would yourself if you had these two in your hands),  Ginger takes ballet downtown 4 times a week (1st year in The Nutcracker) and I want Grant to have his own thing (he has soccer, but it's not really engaging).  So, when Ryan wakes up this morning, unbeknownst to him yet, I'm going to chat about Grant going to Jiu Jitsu Mondays, Weds and Thursdays and even Saturdays when he doesn't have a conflicting soccer game.  That way, I can drop him off and Ryan can pick him up and he's not coming downtown with me three days a week.  I am just feeling for the poor kid having to wait with us at the restaurant around the way.

I am also really divided about pulling out of a morning activity next semester - but I want the kids to just have a down day where they are not rushing around and yet aren't bored.  I want one day where we just do school in the morning and then we play.  That's still up for discussion.  I refuse to give up our CBS Bible study.  That I know.

The kids are in the Options program through Cherry Creek School District - which I love - I think that is still a great thing, until we get into a Classical Conversations Community (group that meets once a week doing the same curriculum I am).  They go to art and science at the neighborhood school, Carl Sandburg, then piano at the neighborhood teacher's house - it's a hilarious circus of an education.

I love the hybrid of public/private/homeschool/athletics.  The kids get exposed to a LOT of different situations that they never would have exposure to otherwise.  In any given week, the kids are in the urban environment, rural, purely homeschooled kiddos, neighborhood friends, adults, babies, church, unschoolers, earthers (read: Boulderites), grandparents, etc.

We have so many people in the kids' lives on a consistent basis, I hope that this schedule printout gives some a better idea of how often the kids are with the same friends, to really build that ever-important "socialization" piece I keep hearing about.  Mommy time is anytime during "school" that I'm freaking out and need a break - all day Friday is M-I-N-E.  Also, hubbs has sponsored many mommy vacations (ie silent retreat, trips to NYC, etc).

I think what I have to surrender more and more is what other people think.  I do admit though, I'm grateful for feedback (postitive and otherwise) - I need to keep in check the why behind what I'm doing, and aim for the balance.
To answer the most common feedback:
"So, when are your kids around other kids?"  (every day)
"You need a break from each other (that's why you look so tired)."  (The rest of a laborer is sweet and, we do get breaks from each other)
"How long are you really going to DO this?!?!?!"  ( I don't know)

I know those conversations happen with everyone.  No matter what the situation.  Other people mean well, but sometimes words are tougher to overcome when you have such high stakes - so much weight on your shoulders - with anything you are doing.

Things I haven't done well:  getting to the gym, getting to the gym, getting to the gym.
Balancing fun time with Grant.
Ginger has decided to take a back seat to her brother's enthusiasm in answering questions and settling in to "getting by" - but, the good news is, I can address that now, instead of her slipping unnoticed through the cracks, in the back of the classroom.  There IS no back of the classroom.

Miracles I've seen this year:
I still see God in all of this. (Ask me.  You'll believe it.  Or, at least you'll let me believe it)
I see more God in my son and daughter. (Ask me.  You'll believe it. Or, at least you'll let me believe it)
Grant and Ginger becoming better and better friends.
I haven't died.
The kids haven't died.
I haven't had any wine for lunch.

What I need:  To get to the gym :-).  Find my gluteus muscles again, so I can walk like a normal person.  Finish my real estate website/app thing.  Make another app for homeschooling. Get to the gym.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Floating In Space after - a GREAT Year!


Well, we supposedly had our last day of school a few weeks ago.  WHAT A YEAR!
We not only survived, but it went so quickly and we all seemed to enjoy it - not that it was without dark days and darker moments, but we really moved through those (at least I hope - I'll tell you when we're in therapy).

I haven't written since November, so, to sum up the second semester....
We did not seem to take a 2 week Christmas break.  I had scheduled time for one... but, even the day after Christmas, the kids were wandering around and so we easily fit in 5 hours of learning "school."  So, by the time our vacation to visit my parents came around (2 weeks from Jan 24th - Feb 8th), we were well into our second semester curriculum and ready for the change.  I decided not to bring ANY academically focused learning materials (other than an ipad to get us through the long flights and long layovers :-)).  I needed a break from an intense six month school year.  St. Lucia with my mom and 2nd dad Winston was awesome and full of learning w/o any kind of "trying" to teach.  Aaaaaahhhhh... local language, culture, food, the second best open air market in the world, beach, hermit crabs, watercolor... on and on.  That was just the first few days.  Then, we were on the boat for 3 nights together.  All together.  6 of us.  400 sq feet.  A (loud)toilet that you pump out.  Baths off the side of the boat.   LOVELY!!!!  The kids slept in their births and were sound asleep before any of us.  Mom cooked amazing meals and taught the kids how to tie knots with the lines in the cockpit.
They jumped off the boat into the water, up and down, up and down - drove the dinghy around, went to the beach, visited a fort from the 1700's that detailed the 14 separate French & British battles for the island.  We played games, read books.  We then moved to the more Euro-chic side of the island where we heard so many different languages, met many of Island Girl's friends and had a lovely room with a view of the ocean and the most magical sunsets I've ever seen.  Swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming!  We'd walk through town, meet others or just keep to ourselves.  The perfect time.  So Cherished.

Back to reality and hit the ground running.
- MOST importantly, as a result of her independent Bible studies and just hangin' out time - Ginger had come to the conclusion that she and God were meant to take the next step and she was baptized in our hot tub in February.
Her favorite scripture was in Acts - the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch.  It was an incredible process to witness.  We'd just point her to scripture and it came to life for her.

- We switched Ginger from one public school enrichment (meaning a one-day-a-week homeschool programme) to another and it made all the difference in the world!  There were women there who I connected with more easily and many of the kids were part of the CBS that we went to on Wednesdays - more community!  Also, I realized that there was a world out there that was homeschooling for reasons that were different from mine, but a bit more similar than the other enrichment we'd been going to.  BONUS - We have access to their whole school district's curriculum store and their online Rosetta Stone passcode for only $25!!!!  So, we've started French.  Her enrichment had a precious daddy daughter dance and other fun actvities for the kids - participate fully in Ameritowne, etc

- I found an html coding website curriculum for free.  SWEET!~

.After a few months, I realized, the last day of curriculum was approaching - already 180 days of rigorous curriculum accomplished by the middle of April...
What does that mean?  That means that we completed the 2nd grade curriculum as well as other activities/classes.
That was exciting for about 5 minutes.
Then, I became a bit panicked - what now?  The last day of school in mid-April?  What are we going to do?  Eat, sleep and stare at each other?  I am so used to my former life.  The fun part of the last days of the year - field days, Popsicle days, Teacher Appreciation Days, maybe I'm supposed to fill in the last month before memorial day with those?
The good news is, we still have Grant's preschool, Ginger's enrichment, Kumon every day, French, HTML coding, reading, piano, ballet 2x's a week and Jiu Jitsu.  OK - I feel a little better.
But what do we "call" those things?  Not "school" - so, what is it?  Learning?
It's weird to celebrate the last day of school and still continue education - but I'm sure that I did this last summer - didn't we have things to do other than watch TV after swim team?
I just can't remember them.  I feel so uncomfortable, uneasy.  I want to know that my kids education is the best in the whole world (so silly).  I want to know, for certain, that after all of the planning and teaching and talking and praying and shepherding and guiding and playing and driving - is it working?  Are they the most developed, intellectual, spiritual, grounded, fun, healthy kids on the planet this year?  I fight the voice that says "failure" if they're not.  Will she remember anything?
I am grateful that Grant's preschool and Ginger's enrichment have field day activities coming up.  It sounds ridiculous, but that stamp of tradition eases the transition for me.
Anywhoo... so I guess it's a transition time from Spring to Summer and I am having an awkward time of it.


How do I know it was a "good" year?  I don't really - if I look to anything tangible - but it was such a huge risk and I see so much richness because of it,- spiritually - intellectually - I guess that's all I should "look" for as kudos?

I have noticed some annoying thoughts/doubts like, "I'm using so much energy and taking so much time and money just to help my kids, in my home - it seems so selfish and limited."  I wonder if I could do more for more people and if that isn't much more noble than what I'm doing?  Then, the question - am I in a race for nobility (which includes humility, not pride), or am I following the path that was so clearly laid out for me?

I genuinely would love to have some kind of credentials - partly so I can say that I have credentials - but I feel the pull to really be qualified in some way shape or form on the academic/neurological side of things..... ?  I'm reading books on development - but may look into a correspondence course of some kind so I can plug into that more.

Is the academic challenge strong enough?  Coherent/cohesive/comprehensive enough?  Is it enough?  Am I enough?  Am I building character?  I have observed that my kids will definitely see our need for a savior because of my example = yikes.  Thank God God is God.

I love taking time with my kids.  Knowing my kids. Learning US History was awesome (I just typed that and it looks like I'm lying - but it really was).  To walk with so many people through their stories, on a quest to worship and live with fervor and freedom at any cost, in extremely perilous circumstances...  that was so inspiring and passionate!!!!!!!  I actually liked the history more than science - VERY weird for me.

Learning my daughters learning style and realizing the puzzle of translating a concept from my brain, through the filter of my learning style to my teaching style to her brain through her learning style.  woa...  at least we both speak English. 

Grant was AWESOME to have in the classroom.  I thought he'd just want to go play in the basement - but he liked some of the curriculum more than Ginger or I did and so we just incorporated him into the drill.  I have a notion that doing Kumon has greatly aided in his getting used to "studying" concepts and solving puzzles.

I loved to learn.  I also love seeing the improvements in myself and my daughter.

Ginger and Grant's relationship is transformed.  Truly.  No other way to describe it.

We fit so much in.

There are limitless resources out there and so many educators willing to help.  We may even go to the high school next fall to start French classes!


- TAKING THE STEP - The fact that we took this step was truly invigorating.  To follow a path that, in my own mind, was ludicrous, but was so clearly from God, is the most transcendent thing I've EVER done (save reading the Bible for the first time).  The intense learning curve and prep itself fueled me.  This was a huge mountain to climb and I really enjoyed the prep for it, the emotional challenge, spiritual growth, physical demands and time with my kids.  I loved to learn the academic factoids around every corner, googling the google resources that are out there for roam school kids, confronting my own arrogance & judgements to humble myself before the God that brought me here in the first place :-).

I also have to thank all of my family and friends for the surprising amount of support.  The ratio of support to discouragement was surprisingly high and I cannot tell you what a lovely thing that was.  I was prepared for the worst - who knows what some were saying behind closed doors (I was saying it about myself) - but I felt so supported.  THANK YOU!

DIGGING DEEP - Involving myself in CBS (community bible study)!  Their curriculum is AWESOME and you can't beat it for my kids.  I get deep spiritual (nonbiased) insight and the kids have built amazing friendships in a short amount of time (THANK YOU KRISTIN NISONGER!)  In fact, I have to post a part of the CBS mission statement:
  " Since its inception the philosophy of Community Bible Study has always been that it is every person's Bible study, available to all. Each man, woman, youth, and child will be so cared for and loved that all will feel comfortable in their class regardless of background, education, church involvement, ethnicity, or economic status. Our desire is to build unity in the midst of diversity in our community."
The whole thing is awesome, but I loved that part of it.

MA GIRLZ - Girls nights/day outings - this has been great.  Who doesn't need girl time?
However, there has been a shift. I find I need to focus on things that are a little more rejuvenating and less of an "escape."  I find that I'd like to do something at the gym or a dance class.  I'd looooove to learn how to really play the guitar.  I can putz around, but not really play. 

PLAY DATES - Had play dates with friends' & their kids.  I'd say I had two moms that I particularly clicked with who had kids schooled at home and who clicked with my kids.  Those times have been very encouraging to me and my little ones as well.
One was a freshmen homeschool mom like me and one was a vet.
 I particularly enjoyed it because they have such a great way of discussing/sharing things about their deep convictions, but somehow without judgement.  We are different enough in our approach to life that it is fun to learn from our conversations.  Our quest was the same, to honor our spiritual convictions in our behavior and conversation.  It was nice to have someone to hold me accountable to that.  My inertia always is in the direction of hypocrisy.

MEDITATION - YIKES! I scheduled a time to have a silent prayer retreat in June - by myself.  I'm terrified.  I may come home after 2 hours instead of 2 days.  We'll see what God has for me.  I've been taunted with this idea for the last 4 years.

FREE DAY! - I made sure that the kids had an enrichment on the same day for the same amount of time and that was off limits to schedule for work or anything in particular.  I had my Fridays to look forward to and they were sacred.  A friend of mine volunteered her time on those days and I felt bad for not doing the same - again - selfish?  I wasn't ready for that it felt - but, for what?  Still wrestling with what to do on my free days.  Most of the time I'd just have coffee or lunch w/friend & play tennis.  It was nice, but not that rejuvenating most of the time - though the coffee time with friends was fab.

Most days at home (not enrichment days) we were at it from 8:30 or 9:00 - 2:00 or 2:30.
Ginger studied and was led to baptism in February
Completed studies of both Deuteronomy and Hebrews
Adventures in My Father's World curriculum - US History
3 Units in Rosetta Stone French
Html coding basics - tags, images, links
Wrote 5 kids books for school
Advanced 2 levels in Kumon Reading & Math
Completed 2.5 levels of Singapore Math curriculum
Completed 2 units of Spelling Power
Completed study of 50 states (facts, maps, history)
Completed study of the US from exploration to Abraham Lincoln's presidency
Compiled a US Notebook with summaries of each reading assignment in History and a fact sheet for each state.
Learned 10 Patriotic Songs and their origin
Learned Tchaikovsky and his music as well as attended Swan Lake & The Nutcracker Ballet
9 months of Colorado Ballet Academy lessons and advanced a level
Painted, drew, crafted, created, wrote, illustrated, molded, constructed, sewed, sang...
Private lessons in piano for 9 months and in quite a few recitals
Appeared in walk-on role for The Nutcracker downtown at Ellie Caulkins
Read countless books and has 3 more to finish the Little House book series 
Played a lot of cool educational apps/typing/coding/writing/drawing/etc.
Science Matters enrichment camp & science experiments at home
50+ slumber parties with her brother in their rooms and adopted little baby "cousins' who play together.
Visited parts of the world they hadn't before - including Orcas Island and St. Lucia
Participated in Brownie Troop 62231 - went to Camp and earned a LOT of patches/badges/etc.
Saw the Van Gogh Exibit at the DAM - WOWOWOW!!!
Studied Art History and classical techniques with private professional artist.
I don't know if I'm forgetting some things...

hmmm... thinking about that.... must reflect ...

swim team... tennis...  friends...  sleep... eat... dirt...  camp... family camp... research a plan for next year :-).

I'm so emotional about Grant leaving his preschool - all of his teachers were seriously angels - ministering spirits to my sweet and incredibly challenging toddler.  God has used that village in miraculous ways for my little boy who is now a big boy and with an emerging gentle spirit.  He's so sweet with little ones and I see his love for his sister - it's amazing.  At least he'll have CBS and enrichment as well as Jiu Jitsu. 

TBD  - so far, I know we'll be doing Options Enrichment, CBS, Kumon, Jiu Jitsu, Ballet & Piano....  Singapore Math, Spelling Power, Rosetta Stone French,, Art classes...  Not sure about history/language arts/science.  Possibly Classical Conversations... I also want to help them start something that benefits others in the community - to take a leadership role in mobilizing one of their interests and making it a real-life thing.  I'm also interested in developing a robot of some kind - either through the legos robotics or the old fashioned way.  We'll see.